

“Rian, you CAN NOT change him. Imagine for a minute, that you have a hula hoop around you. The ONLY thing in life you have control over is what’s inside that space…. YOU. That’s it. That’s all the control you have, had and will ever have.”
And… Just like that…Something *clicked*. Right then and there, in the aftermath of beautiful truth, I was never the same.
For 30 some odd years I had this…falsified idea that I was in control, that I could change people, that I could somehow…change their minds, save them, show them, mold them, guide them… *swallows* control them.
I…was…controlling. (I hate to admit it) but I was..
I sought control out of everything in my life. Every aspect. I was rigid. Uptight and my strungs? Waaaay up high.
The moment I realized that it was all a ruse was the moment I grew tired of all my own bullshit and decided to change.
You have such power, such incredible power to take control of your own life, your experiences, your happiness, your destiny, what comes in and goes out of your life but that’s it, my friend.
Every Fairy God Mother, Genie in the lamp and witch had their limitations on who/when/where their power would work and it’s no different for us.
You can not control others. Not your lover, not your friends, not your children.
Allow them to be who they are. Stop loving the person you’ve devised in your head as to who you wish them to be.
No expectation. Love them for all that they are and all that they aren’t.
With lovers and friends, if you can’t do this.. You need to let them go.
Do not ever go into a relationship believing they will change or that you can change them. You’ll only end up miserable. Take my word and run with it, my friend. Accept them or walk.away.
We have no control over situations either. Only our experience of it. We have no control over other people’s actions or plans changing. So go with flow and enjoy the adventure in it.
The beauty in all of this is that in having no control over other people, people have no control over us.
We get to decide. We get to exist on our terms and we get to choose. We get to choose everything! From our jobs, friends, lovers, experiences and mood.
No one can decide how today is going to be for you. Only you. People, places, things.. They are as they are.
Look around you, it is as it is.
Accept it. Decide how you want to live your life. Be unwavering about it. Stop giving the power unto others to make or break your days.
Don’t allow others to take away anything, your happiness, enthusiasm, passions, beliefs.. They are yours and yours alone.
You got the power, baby! You’re in charge, only for you.
Save that energy, let go of control.
And make you and your life something much like magic.